Rogers Park makes church accessible

The United Church of Rogers Park has committed itself to the expenditure of over $13,000 for a wheelchair ramp, so that it may be a church accessible to all people. Breaking and hallowing of ground was July 9th. Participants pictured are: Dr. Franklin Cochran, chairperson of the Board of Trustees; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kroll, building contractor; Lin Culbreth; Mrs. Ethel Nelson; Mrs. Carolyn Grey; Mrs. Mary Ann Swartz; Mrs. Becky Swartz; Mrs. Lavern Nichols; and Mrs. Karen McCulloh, chairperson of the Administrative Board. The ramp will be finished September 24 [1979]. It was made possible through memorial gifts. This congregation has a community awareness campaign planned to educate the public and their congregation regarding the needs of the handicapped and disabled persons in their area.

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