
There are many ways to help out our weekly Sunday feast

Looking for LAUNDRY volunteers!

If you aren’t yet ready to spend time in-person, but would still like to volunteer for Community Feast, they are looking for volunteers to pick up and drop off laundry each week. The laundry is rags and aprons and it can be laundered at home or at a laundromat. If you can help please contact Pastor Lindsey at


 Community Feast needs volunteers

Another way to volunteer:

If you're looking for a great way to spend your time, help others and feel grateful that you can be productive, Community Feast Soup Kitchen Wants You! We've weathered many months of an indescribable storm and our small crew has been faithful through it all, doing all we can so God can do more! Now, we need your help preparing meals on Sunday afternoons. Thank God, the vaccine, masks and ability to social distance allow us to invite you in again in small groups of 2-4 as well as single volunteers. Day by day, we're deciding if, when and how we will be able to best serve our guests in the third floor dining room again, putting the safety of all first and foremost. Until then our guests will continue to receive "to-go" meals they enjoy in the comfort and safety of home. Please let Northa Johnson, Community Feast Volunteer Coordinator, know if you're interested in joining us, we’d love to add you to our schedule! Call/no text at 312-955-0049 or email

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